New York Senate Approves Mobile Sports betting Bill

New York Senate Approves Mobile Sports betting Bill
The NY Senate passes an important bill on route to legalizing sports betting in New York

The New York Senate made a huge step towards legalizing mobile sports betting in the state of New York. Several days ago, the Senate decided to pass another sports betting bill which will actually legalize mobile sports real money wagering within the state’s borders. Before the legalization process can be done, the sports betting bill must be passed by the state’s Assembly and later on signed by the state’s Governor in order to become law.

While the New York sports betting bill recently approved cleared some Senate hurdles, there is much more to come. Following the news, New York Senate Joseph Addabbo Jr. said that his New York sports betting legislation finally cleared the New York Senate on a fifty-seven to five voting. He is the one who said that there is support in the state’s Assembly to pass the sports betting bill only if leadership allows for this to happen.

Several Minor Changes Made

In his official statement, Addabbo also stated that he himself conferenced with several Democratic senators regarding the New York sports betting bill several days prior to voting taking place with the main goal of introducing several minor mostly cosmetic changes. Moreover, Addabbo also was correct when predicting that the updated edition S 17 D would reach the Rules Committee before the actual voting.

He also added that he would like to see further steps happening as soon as possible in order to give the state’s Assembly a little incentive and a little momentum. While he is not so optimistic about the sportsbettng bill’s future fate in the state Assembly, he also added that he heard there is general support for the bill from Democratic senators.

New York’s Sports betting Bill’s Fate in Assembly’s Hands

Naturally, Addabbo can only be optimistic about the Assemblyman Pretlow which has already done loads of honorable work in order to get as much support as needed for the bill to become law. According to the most recent stats, he has seventy-six supporters from Democratic senator from one hundred and fifty members of the state’s Assembly and for passing legislation, a simple majority is required.

In other words, in order to pass legislation, seventy-six supports are enough. However, as other bills of this kind, a sports betting bill cannot pass without the state’s Assembly leadership calling the bill for a vote. The Assembly main Speaker Carl Heastie has been one of the most vocal opponents of all previous efforts which are made in order to expand gambling and gaming laws.

In fact, Heastie has not been very friendly to online poker efforts in the state’s Assembly. However, Pretlow suggested to Assembly that the Speaker becomes obliged to call a vote all bills with a simple majority or with at least seventy-six supports.

If this New York sports betting bill makes it through the state’s Assembly, it will go to the state’s Governor Andrew Cuomo who has already expressed some reservations about its state legalizing mobile sports betting. Cuomo several days ago also stated that he does not believe that sports betting mobile wagering will get done in 2019.

Despite the state’s Senate passing a bill which turned the New York sports betting bill into law, there is a number of challenges and obstacles ahead. In other words, there are still many hurdles which must be overcome so that players from the state enjoy some mobile sports betting sessions.

Image credits: Nigar Alizada /

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