Home Casino News Danville Issued Request for Proposal for Casino and Set January 13, 2020,...

Danville Issued Request for Proposal for Casino and Set January 13, 2020, as Deadline

Danville Issued Request for Proposal for Casino and Set January 13, 2020, as Deadline
The city of Danville to get its first live casino

Danville is a city in the state of Virginia situated on the Dan River. Thanks to its strategic location, the city was one of the major Confederate activities centers. As of 2010, the city’s population was around 44,000 citizens. What makes this area more special is that Danville is about to become home to a brand-new casino which will surely attract many more visitors to the area.

The truth is that Danville is just one of many Virginia cities that are currently considering bringing this type of entertainment to their area. Unlike other interested cities, the independent city of Danville has already taken some crucial steps necessary to bringing such venue into the area. As reported several days ago, the city’s officials have already taken the following step regarding the process of licensing, constructing and finally operating a casino facility.

A Formal RFP Issued on the 2nd of December

The most common kinds of gambling in the states are commercial casinos, horseracing, charitable gambling, pari-mutuel gambling, state lotteries, and tribal casinos. When it comes to gambling in the state of Virginia, there are several major state laws which govern what kinds of gambling are legal and illegal within the state’s borders.

The state’s gambling laws are rather restrictive and according to them greyhound racing and casinos are prohibited, while at the same time off-track gambling at regulated gambling facilities and horse racing are allowed. Furthermore, the state of Virginia also allows several other types of gambling including charitable gambling in addition to wagering on games involving chance in privately-owned residences. Moreover, Virginia also sponsors one state lottery which features games including Mega Millions, scratch cards, Pick 4, Pick 3 and Powerball among other games of chance.

As of recently, the citizens of Virginia will vote on whether to allow their city to become home to a casino or not. On the 2nd of December, a formal RFP or Request for Proposal was issued by the Danville’s City Office’s Manager. According to this Request for Proposal, all interested companies and casino operators can submit their unique proposals for the city’s casino facility.

According to the official website of the city of Danville, all Request for Proposal responses from casino operators and other related companies will be used in order to determine which firm’s vision would be suitable and beneficial to Danville. Moreover, all Request for Proposal responses will be also used to collect valuable data that is necessary to make the right decision which will be beneficial to the residents of the area who will eventually vote on whether to allow a gambling facility in their community or not.

Interested Parties Allowed to Submit Two Proposals

As revealed by the city’s officials, all interested companies and casino operators are allowed to submit two official proposals with two different proposed sites. One of their proposed sites must use one of Danville’s IDA-owned properties including White Mill and Schoolfield while their second proposal would be of the firms’ choosing.

Commenting on the news, the city’s Manager Mr. Larking said in his official press release that the city officials anticipate major interested from different companies that would be beneficial to the region. He also added that all competing companies will be strictly evaluated according to their previous experience in the industry, the number of full-time and part-time jobs that their casino projects would bring to the area and others.

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